如果你患有多发性硬化症, 锻炼可以帮助保持灵活性和平衡性, 促进心血管健康和幸福感, 防止不运动引起的并发症. 锻炼还有助于调节食欲、排便和睡眠模式.
Jogging, 走 and aerobic exercises are helpful when strength and coordination are not affected. Stationary bicycle riding may be more practical if 走 or balance is impaired. 游泳有助于伸展和心血管健康. Yoga and Tai Chi are most useful for stretching and promoting a sense of well-being. Your physical and occupational therapists will assist you in selecting the best exercise program for you to follow.
虽然压力不能完全从我们的生活中消除, 我们可以学会更有效地管理它. Any reduction in stress will be associated with an improved sense of well-being and increased energy. A psychologist or social worker may be helpful in developing a stress management program that is tailored to your needs. 以下是一些有用的减压技巧:
- 找出你生活中压力的原因,分享你的想法和感受.
- 通过设定优先级来简化你的职责.
- 尝试放松和冥想练习.
- 管理好你的时间,节约你的精力.
- 需要的时候寻求帮助.
- 为自己设定短期目标和终身目标.
- 在身体上和精神上都尽可能保持活跃.
- Recognize the things that you cannot change and don't waste your time trying.
- 为有趣的活动腾出时间,保持你的幽默感.
Good nutrition maximizes your energy, general sense of well-being and healing capacities. 饮食习惯也有助于有规律的排便习惯. Although no specific diet has been demonstrated to conclusively improve the natural history of MS, most people do report an improved sense of well-being when following a carefully planned diet. 一些出版的饮食是健康的,很容易遵循. 其他的限制更多,不太实用.
Unless there is a specific vitamin deficiency found by your doctor there is no scientific proof that supplementary doses of vitamins or minerals, 单独或联合使用, 有利地影响疾病的进程. Be careful not to take excessive doses of vitamin B6 because excessive doses of this vitamin can produce sensory symptoms similar to those seen in MS. 高剂量的维生素A和D是有毒的.
据报道,多发性硬化症患者缺乏这些脂肪酸. There is an unconfirmed suggestion that supplementary feeding of these fatty acids may slightly reduce the frequency of MS attacks. 葵花籽油和樱草油中含有这些脂肪酸. 前者要便宜得多,而且在杂货店里很容易买到. Two tablespoons of sunflower seed oil each day will provide you with these fatty acids and give you the added benefit of a laxative.
如果你行动不便, 肌肉挛缩或只能坐在轮椅上, 你应该定期检查皮肤是否有溃疡, 压力点, 感染和擦伤. Regular skin care will minimize the chances of skin breakdown and help you to avoid complications such as a decubitus ulcer. 一定要检查你身体上的压力点,包括你的脚跟, 膝盖, 臀部, 臀部和肘部. Remember to protect against skin cancer by wearing sunscreen and protective clothing when outdoors, 不管天气是否晴朗. 熟悉你的皮肤,经常检查它.
维生素C有助于使尿液酸化,防止细菌滋生. 橙汁或维生素C片都很有用. Cranberry juice also will acidify the urine and is available as a sugar free juice for those who count calories. 如果你出现新的尿频, 排尿或排尿困难时灼烧感, you should call your doctor and be seen for the possibility of a urinary tract infection.
There has traditionally been a concern that immunizations could worsen MS by stimulating the immune system. With the exception of transient worsening associated with fever or rare neurological complications known to be associated with certain vaccines, 没有令人信服的证据表明免疫接种会使多发性硬化症患者病情恶化. If immunizations are recommended by a doctor, they can probably be undertaken safely. In general, immunizations should be delayed if the person is experiencing an acute MS attack. 然而, 在某些情况下, 例如需要紧急接种破伤风或狂犬病疫苗时, 应立即进行免疫接种. 如果出现问题,你应该和你的神经科十大赌博平台排行榜进一步讨论.
物理治疗 (PT) focuses on ways to preserve or improve safety and independence with functional mobility. 这可以通过各种方法来实现,包括:
- 机动性技术训练
- 家庭锻炼项目
- 护理培训
- 有效使用自适应设备
The following are examples of PT therapeutic strategies that help everyday management of mobility-related symptoms.
- 运动类 You and a physical therapist should develop an individualized exercise program that is based on your current needs and future goals. 这可能包括瑜伽, 在健身房锻炼, 太极或费登奎斯, 还有传统的运动方式,比如跑步, 走, 骑自行车, 游泳或水中有氧运动. In some cases, exercises can be carried out independently, with or without modification. In other instances, certain more challenging exercises may require some assistance.
- 伸展运动 Frequently, persons with MS have spasticity, especially in their lower extremities. This can cause the legs to stiffen if a regular stretching program is not incorporated into the daily routine of activities. 伸展运动 exercises help to maintain or improve muscle length to allow greater flexibility.
- 协调 协调 exercises are done to improve balance and ease of purposeful movement. 执行这些练习所需的技巧程度各不相同. 一个合适的程序将与个别MS患者讨论.
- 加强 加强 exercises are designed to build weakened muscles to aid in moving and 走. While being beneficial, discretion is advised when carrying out a strengthening program. 例如, if one has undergone a vigorous session of exercising but is too tired to prepare dinner or do chores that ordinarily can be done without difficulty, it may be necessary to modify the program or space the activity more evenly throughout the day.
- 上半身锻炼 These simple exercises are designed to promote flexibility and muscle balance as well as to enhance upper extremity function. 如果操作正确,它们适用于多发性硬化症的所有阶段. Stretches are to be done slowly, generally being held for approximately five to 10 seconds. 这些练习既可以坐着进行,也可以平躺着进行. 在每侧可以接受的情况下,重复每项运动5 - 10次. 你可以一次做一面,也可以同时做两面.
加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.